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What causes Vision Problems in the Elderly

  Introduction: Aging is a natural phenomenon. Just like all other organs in our body, aging brings about eye problems and vision related changes. These vision problems also bring about challenges in dealing with our day-to-day activities. Most elderlies face issues such as losing the ability to see far away objects, trouble in distinguishing colours and adjusting to various light frequencies. The risk of some eye diseases increases as you grow older. Some changes in vision and eye health may be a

Natural way to improve Child’s Eye health

Natural way to improve Child’s Eye health

  Introduction: Vision and brain development are closely linked. The ability to focus and distinguish shapes is underdeveloped in an infant. Their visual acuity is generally about 6/120. However, as the child grows, their eyes develop gradually and eyeballs also grow. Normal visual acuity of children is attained by the age of 5 years and normal depth perception will be completely achieved by the time the child reaches teenage. The visual pathways in the brain also undergoes developmental change as the child

Eye Allergies-

Eye Allergies

Ever wondered why your eyes itch? Itchy eyes, burning or irritated eyes, red eyes are all symptoms of eye allergies. An eye allergy develops when your eye comes in contact with any allergens or substance that irritates the eye. Understanding Eye allergies Ocular allergy or eye allergy also known as Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammatory response of the conjunctiva to an allergen. It is part of a larger systemic atopic reaction and is usually seasonal with associated upper respiratory tract symptoms and

Squint a stumbling block for children’s psychological growth

Squint Squint’ is a misalignment of eyes where both eyes point in different directions, commonly known as cross-eyes. Parents consider squint as a harmless cosmetic blemish, little do they know that uncorrected squint over a period of time reduces vision in the squinting eye, and can cause permanent visual impairment of one eye. In our society a lot of misinformation is associated with cross-eyes such as children with cross-eyes bring luck to their family, or that a squint correction is just

Eye conditions and care during pregnancy

Does pregnancy affect the eye? Yes! ocular changes occur commonly during pregnancy. Although most of are physiologic responses to the metabolic, hormonal, and immunologic modifications to adopt the gestational product, there is some serious pathology that may develop, exacerbate, or even resolve over the course of pregnancy which requires prompt diagnosis and management. The pathological eye conditions can be classified into preexisting pathologies and emerging ocular diseases. While up to 15% of these pregnancy-induced changes are benign, a few pathological conditions might

Age-Related Presbyopia

Unable to see nearby objects clearly is a normal part of aging. Known as presbyopia, this typically becomes noticeable in your early forties. Eventually it happens to everyone. One of the signs of presbyopia is when you start holding newspapers, books or mobiles further away, the arm’s length, in order to read and recognize letters without straining the eyes. What is Presbyopia? Presbyopia is when your eyes gradually lose the ability to see things clearly, up close. It is a normal

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