Technology advancement has led to exponential use of digital devices. Further there was an increase in the use of digital devices during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020), which hugely impacted the eyes, leading to ocular strain, chronic backache, shoulder, and neck pain, in many. What is Computer Vision Syndrome? It’s a chronic stress injury due to prolonged use of digital devices that overuse near vision, resulting in a complex ocular and visual problems. It is also known as Asthenopia, Visual Fatigue, Occupational Overuse Syndrome
What is Catract? A cataract is the most common cause of treatable vision problem at old age, worldwide. It causes clouding of the clear natural crystalline lens which reduces the visual clarity. It is like looking through a frosty window. Most cataracts are old age-related also termed senile cataracts and usually develop in both eyes. But sometimes they may affect only one eye. Over a period of time cataract will affect your vision. If the reduced vision interferes with daily routine activities,
What is holi? Holi, the festival of colours is one of the most rejoicing festivals in India. Vibrant colours seen everywhere in a cheerful and delightful environment brings happiness and excitement with it. In earlier times, Gulal powders were prepared from natural flowers such as the Indian coral tree and the flame of the forest, that had medicinal properties and were also beneficial to the skin. On the other hand, the colours available in the market today
What is an Eye Stroke or Retinal Artery Occlusion? Circulation of blood helps bring in oxygen and nutrients and also remove the waste products from all the organs and hence is essential for the organ’s normal functioning. Blockage of this blood supply leads to death of the tissues – called stroke. When it occurs in the brain, it causes significant body dysfunction to be noticed by the patient immediately. However, an eye stroke may occasionally be gradual in onset, also if
What are Eye Floaters? See tiny strings and dots floating in front of your eyes? These are eye floaters. Eye floaters are black or grey or transparent coloured net-like or hair-like images seen in front one or both eyes. They are more prominent on bright or plain backgrounds and tend to move with the movement of the eyes. They tend to clear out when you look at them directly. As annoying as they are, they do not usually interfere with the sight.
What is Amblyopia or the Lazy Eye? Usually occurring in early childhood, Amblyopia (also called the lazy eye) is a type of poor vision development in one or both the eyes. It develops when there’s a breakdown in how the brain and the eye work together, and the brain can’t recognize the sight from the eye. This condition is easier to realise when both the eyes are affected, as the patient suffers from decreased vision in both eyes. Lazy eye is a fairly